Website Privacy Policy

Works Applications Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, “our company”) will handle personal information under this Privacy Policy (hereinafter, “Policy”).

Purpose of use of personal information

Our company will use the clients’ personal information for the following purposes:

1. For customer management in our company’s business activities:

  • To answer questions and inquiries regarding our company or our company’s products and services
  • To provide product information and support information regarding our company’s products
  • For invitations to our company’s events, seminars, etc.
  • To send emails to customers who have requested our email distribution service
  • To request cooperation in questionnaire surveys, etc.

2. To supply customers with our company’s products and services:

  • For data migration support, validation confirmation, etc. in the introduction, maintenance support, etc. of our company’s products
  • To provide our company’s products, support, and services including group training
  • To answer questions and inquiries regarding our company’s product information, support information, etc.
  • For invitations to our company’s product information, support information, seminars, regular meetings, working groups, group training sessions, etc.
  • To request cooperation in questionnaire surveys, etc. regarding our company’s products and services

Provision of personal information to third parties

Except as required by law or in the case of possible threats to the individual or to public life, health, or property, or otherwise provided in the “Handling of personal information” and “Categories and share” hereof,  personal information will not be provided to third parties without obtaining permission from the individual involved.

Disclosure, correction, halting of use, or deletion of personal information

Our company will accept requests from an individual for disclosure, notification of purposes of use, corrections in cases where the content of the personal information subject to disclosure is incorrect, etc., halting of use, or halting of provision to third parties (hereinafter, “disclosure, etc.”) of personal information subject to disclosure. For information on the procedures for disclosure, etc. please refer to the information below. Furthermore, please contact the address below for specific information.

  • Personal information subject to rights for which a request regarding disclosure, etc. can be complied with The personal information (personal information subject to disclosure) subject to rights for which our company can comply with requests regarding disclosure, etc. is the information for the items stated below.

Purpose of use of personal information subject to disclosure 

For customer management in our company’s business activities:

  • To answer questions and inquiries regarding our company or our company’s products and services
  • To provide product information and support information regarding our company’s products
  • For invitations to our company’s events, seminars, etc.
  • To send emails to customers who have requested our email distribution service
  • To request cooperation in questionnaire surveys, etc.

For management of our company’s shareholders:

  • For the fulfillment of legal obligations
  • To answer questions and inquiries regarding our company
  • For invitations to our company’s financial results briefings, shareholder meetings, etc.
  • To request cooperation in questionnaire surveys, etc. regarding our company

For management of our company’s employee recruitment activities:

  • For recruiting activities
  • To answer questions and inquiries regarding employment at our company
  • For invitations to our company’s recruiting events, seminars, etc.
  • For giving contact information to company entrance pass holders
  • To request cooperation in questionnaire surveys, etc. regarding our company’s recruitment activities

For management of our company employees:

  • For the fulfillment of legal obligations
  • For performing HR-related activities
  • For employee benefits
  • For managing employee information of our company’s subsidiaries and affiliates using groupware

Note: The purposes of use are the typologically stated purposes of use for the applicable personal information.
 ※Personal information subject to disclosure refers to “Personal information comprising a collection of systematically organized information subject to rights for which our company can comply with all requests from the individual involved for disclosure, correction/addition/deletion of content, halting of use, deletion, or halting of supplying to third parties”.

Procedures for complying with requests for disclosure, etc.

  • When making a request regarding disclosure, etc., first contact the contact address below.
  • Our company’s specified “Personal information purpose of use notification/disclosure request form”, “Personal information correction, etc. request form”, “Personal information utilization halt, etc. request form”, “Proxy statement” (when specifying a representative) will be sent by postal mail to the individual or his/her representative.
  • After the individual or his/her representative have filled in the information in the request forms listed in the previous paragraph, they should be returned to our company by postal mail. At that time, please include documents, etc. for confirming the identity of the individual with the returned forms.
  • In accordance with the disclosure, etc. request, you will be notified via “Personal information disclosure notification”.
  • Please understand that in some cases, it may not be possible to comply with requests regarding disclosure, etc. due to the stipulations of laws, regulations, etc.

Proof of identity of individual

  • Documents for proof of identityof individual
  • Driver’s license
  • Passport
  • Family register
  • Health insurance identification card
  • National pension notebook
  • Other official documents that can verify the identity of the individual

In the case of an individual

  • For documents with a photograph, such as driver’s license or passport, 1 such document should be submitted. (For other documents, submission of at least 2 such documents is necessary in principle.) 

In the case of a representative

  • In the case of the legal representative of an individual, a minor, or an adult ward, please supply the following in addition to the above documents.
  • Documents to identify the individual who is the representative (driver’s license, passport, family registry, health insurance identification card, national pension notebook, other official documents that can verify the identity of the individual). For documents with a photograph, such as a driver’s license or passport, 1 such document should be submitted; for other documents, at least 2 such documents should be submitted.
  • Documents to verify legal right of representation (family register, health insurance identification card, registration certificate; any 1 of these documents)

Note: When submitting documents for proof of identity of individual, if such documents include family register information, such information should be blocked out for submission.

Security technology

Encrypted transmission using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is used as security to protect personal information.
SSL is common technology used as a communication safety measure on websites which encrypts input data before transmission over the internet in order to prevent interception.


Cookies are small data files saved on the user’s hard disk when visiting a website that is used for such purposes as recognizing when the user visits that page.
Cookie information is handled between the website and the user’s internet viewing software (browser), but websites cannot view the cookies written to the user’s hard disk by other website or any other data on the hard disk.
Cookies are used by many websites, but depending on the user’s browser settings, the user may request that they receive a warning whenever they visit a site that uses cookies or deny the ability to receive cookies at all.
WAP website may use cookies to enhance the services and information provided and to make the WAP website more convenient to use. By continuing to browse this site, you have agreed you have agreed to the use of cookies on our site.

Contact address for inquiries related to personal information

To request disclosure, correction, deletion, halting of use, or removal of personal information, or for other inquiries regarding personal information, please contact the address below. 

Handling of personal information

Handling of personal information by the company is based on Japanese laws and “Privacy Policy” and “Handling of Personal Information” etc. listed on this website.
It is considered that you have indicated your acceptance that your personal information is recorded, preserved and used by a server in Japan.

Categories and share

The categories of personal information that our company collects through this website are name, place of employment or work, e-mail account and telephone number. Our company may share the personal information with group companies.


This Policy may change from time to time. We will post any changes on this website.

Do not track

This website will not respond to web browser “do not track” signals or other mechanisms that provide you the ability to exercise choice since our company will not engage in the collection of personally identifiable information about your online activities over time and across third-party websites or online services.

Third party’s collection of personally identifiable information

Other party will not collect personally identifiable information about your online activities over time and across different websites when you use our company’s website.

Effective date

This Policy will be effective from February 19, 2015.

Personal Information Inquiries

  • Works Applications Co., Ltd.
  • Ark Mori Bldg. 19F, 1-12-32, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-6019 Japan
  • Hours of operation: Weekdays 9.30am-6.30pm, Japan Standard Time (JST) (except weekends and public holidays)